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Information security

Personal information protection policy

The personal information security policy is based on Articles 68 to 73, Section 1 Protection of personal information in e-commerce (Chapter V) prescribed in Decree 52/2013/ND-CP.
All personal information is stored in the company's server system and is regularly backed up of data used on the website as well as personal information of customers.

Customer details such as full name, age, address, phone number and email will be stored to ensure customers' rights when using online services. The system allows customers to change personal information when needed.

All customer personal information will not be used to provide any third party without the permission of the owner. Advertising services will not be sent to information subjects if they refuse to receive advertising.

Handle and fix problems immediately when hackers break in or attack due to arising from the user's access environment, errors arising from the internet connection and other illegal spyware; At the same time, there are measures to restore data when hackers attack, delete or change information.

Provide specific information such as email and hotline number when there are consumer complaints related to personal information being used for the wrong purpose or scope as notified.